Scientific Name: Dipterocarpus grandiflorus
Description: Apitong is a tall tree with a straight trunk and large, simple leaves. It belongs to the dipterocarp family and produces winged fruits.
Habitat: Dipterocarp forests, often found in lowland areas.
Distribution: Native to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.
Conservation Status: Not listed as threatened.
Scientific Name: Pterocarpus indicus
Description: Narra is a large deciduous tree with pinnate leaves and clusters of yellow flowers. The wood is highly valued for its color and durability.
Habitat: Found in various forest types, including dipterocarp and montane forests.
Distribution: Native to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.
Conservation Status: Not listed as threatened.
Scientific Name: Tectona philippinensis
Description: Philippine Teak is a deciduous tree with large, opposite leaves. It produces clusters of white flowers. The wood is highly valued for its durability and is used in various applications.
Habitat: It is found in lowland and montane forests.
Distribution: Endemic to the Philippines.
Conservation Status: Critically Endangered.
Scientific Name: Xanthostemon verdugonianus
Description: Philippine Ironwood is an evergreen tree with lance-shaped leaves and clusters of bright yellow flowers. The wood is dense and durable.
Habitat: Typically found in lowland forests and coastal areas.
Distribution: Endemic to the Philippines.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable.
Scientific Name: Afzelia rhomboidea
Description: Tindalo is a large tree with compound leaves and distinctive rhomboid-shaped leaflets. It produces pods with large seeds.
Habitat: Tindalo trees are commonly found in dipterocarp forests.
Distribution: Native to the Philippines.
Conservation Status: Near Threatened. Faces threats from logging.